Frequently Asked

Smart Business Card Reader

Transferring Contact Information from the Smart Business Card Reader into your Contact Manager, PIM or Database

Select your PIM or Contact Manager

1st ACT | ACT! | Action Plus | Advanatage | AnyTime | Ascend | Cobra Address Plus | Commence | DayTimer | Delrina | ECCO | Goldmine | Janna | Maximizer | Metz Phones | Now Up To Date | On Schedule | On Time | Organizer | Outlook | Pilot | Packrat | Schedule+ | Sharkware | Sidekick | Smart Label Printer | Super Office | Telemagic | Tracker | Other PIMs

Select your Database or file format

Access | Excel | DBase | Comma-Delimited | Tab-Delimited | ASCII

Listed Alphabetically
1st ACT

Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to 1st ACT
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Alternatively, you can use the Export function and the 1st ACT Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the 1st ACT import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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ACT! 3.0

Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to ACT 3.0
(SBCR version 1.5)

ACT! 2.0

Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to ACT 2.0
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Alternatively, you can use the Export function and the ACT2 Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the ACT 2.0 import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

ACT! 1.0

Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to ACT 1.0
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Action Plus 2.0

Use the Export function to export the contact data to a file and then use the Action Plus import function to import the data into Action Plus.

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Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to Advantage
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4)
Alternatively, you can use the Export function and the Advantage Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Advantage import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Anytime 3.0, AnyTime Deluxe

Use the Export function to export the contact data to a file and then use the Anytime import function to import the data into Anytime.

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Ascend 97

Use the Export function to export the contact data to a file and then use the Ascend import function to import the data into Ascend.

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To transfer contact information into an Access database, use the SBCR's Export function to export the contact data to a comma-delimited or tab-delimited file. Then, use Access to import the data.

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The Smart Business Card Reader exports to ASCII text in either a comma-delimited or tab-delimited format, placing one record on each line and separating the fields within each record with a comma or tab delimiter. Use the Export function to export the contact data to an ASCII file.

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Cobra Address Plus

Use the Export function and the Cobra Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use Cobra's import function to import the data into Cobra Address Plus.
(SBCR version 1.5)

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mma-delimited format, placing one record on each line and separating the fields within each record with a comma delimiter. Use the Export function to export the contact data to aa comma-delimited ASCII file.

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Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to Commence
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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DayTimer Organizer 2.1

Use the Export function and the DayTimer Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the DayTimer's import function to import the data into DayTimer Organizer.
(SBCR version 1.5)

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Delrina Winfax

Use the Export function and the Delrina Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Delrina Winfax import function to import the data into Delrina Winfax.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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To transfer contact information into an DBASE format database, use the SBCR's Export function to export the contact data to a comma-delimited or tab-delimited file. Then, use your database to import the text file into the database.

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ECCO Pro 4.01

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Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to ECCO
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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To transfer contact information into an Excel spreadsheet, use the SBCR's Export function to export the contact data to a comma-delimited file. Then, use Excel to open the comma-delimited file.

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Goldmine 3.2 for Windows 95/NT

Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to Goldmine 3.2
(SBCR version 1.5)

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Goldmine 2.5

Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to Goldmine
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Alternatively, you can use the Export function and the Goldmine Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Goldmine import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Janna Contact 97

Use the Export function and the Janna Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Janna import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.5)

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Maximizer 97

Use the Export function and the Maxim97 Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Maximizer 97 import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.5)

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Maximizer 3.0is

Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to Maximizer 3.0is
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Alternatively, you can use the Export function and the Maximizer Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Maximizer import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Metz Phones

Use the Export function to export the contact data to a file and then use the Metx Phones  import function to import the data into Metz Phones.

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Now Up To Date

Use the Export function to export the contact data to a file and then use the Now Up To Date import function to import the data into Now Up To Date.

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On Schedule

Use the Export function and the Onsched Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the On Schedule import function to import the data into On Schedule.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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OnTime Enterprise 3.0

Use the Export function to export the contact data to a file and then use the OnTime Enterprise import function to import the data into OnTime Enterprise.

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Organizer 97

Use the Export function and the Org97gs Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Organizer 97's import function to import the data into Organizer 97.
(SBCR version 1.5)

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Organizer 2.0

Use the Export function and the Org20 Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Organizer's import function to import the data into Organizer 97.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Organizer 1.0

Use the Export function and the Org10 Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Organizer's import function to import the data into Organizer.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Outlook 97

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Pilot Desktop

Use the Export function and the Pilot1 or Pilot2 Export Filte (for Pilot Desktop v.1.x and 2.x respectively) to export the contact data to a file and then use the Pilot Desktop's import function to import the data into Pilot Desktop.

  1. After exporting from the Smart Business Card Reader, launch Pilot Desktop.
  2. Select the Address Book
  3. Select Import from the File menu
  4. Select "Comma Separated Values (*.csv,*.txt)" from the Files of Type, locate the exported file and press Open.
  5. Verify that all of the data is goint into the correct field and press OK to import.
(SBCR version 1.5)

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Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to Packrat
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Alternatively, you can use the Export function and the Packrat Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Packrat import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Use the 1-click export feature to export one or more contacts to Sharkware.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4)
Alternatively, you can use the Export function and the Sharkware Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Sharkware import function to import the contacts.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Sidekick 97

Use the Export function and the Sideki97 Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Sidekick's import function to import the data into Sidekick 97.
(SBCR version 1.5)

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Use the Export function and the Sidekick Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the Sidekick import function to import the data into Sidekick.
(SBCR version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)

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Smart Label Printer Pro 4.0

Use the Export function and the SLPPRO40 Export Filter to export the contact data to a file and then use the SLP Pro's import function to import the data into SLP Pro 4.0.
(SBCR version 1.5)

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Super Office

Use the Export function to export the contact data to a file and then use the Schedule+ import function to import the data into Super Office.

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The Smart Business Card Reader exports to an ASCII text file in a tab-delimited format, placing one record on each line and separating the fields within each record with a tab delimiter. Use the Export function to export the contact data to a tab-delimited ASCII file.

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Telemagic Professional

Use the Export function to export the contact data to a file and then use the Schedule+ import function to import the data into Telemagic Professional.

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Tracker 2

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1-Click Export

Setup: Select the PIM

  1. From the SBCR application, select EDIT, then select PREFERENCES
  2. Select the "PIM link" option
  3. Select the correct Contact Manager or PIM from the list
  4. Indicate whether you intend to transfer cards one at a time or all at once. Choose the option that best meets your needs and press OK
  1. Simply click on the PIM icon on the screen to transfer one or all contacts to the PIM.
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Exporting Data to a File to import into a PIM or Contact Manager

(using the pre-defined export filters)

  1. From the SBCR application, select FILE, then select EXPORT
  2. Select the export filter from the list which corresponds to the PIM which you are exporting to.
  3. Enter a file name for the intermediate export file and press OK.
  4. The contacts in the currently-opened database will be exported to the intermediate file.
  5. Run your PIM and select the Import (or similar) option. Consult your PIM's documentation for details on importing data.
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