October, 1997
Seiko Instruments


Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter is to certify the products listed below have been evaluated for year 2000 compliance requirements.  Each product has been tested, and with the only the noted exceptions, meet the compatibility and compliance to the year 2000 and beyond date formatting.

Smart Label Printer         Model            Software Platform
Smart Label Printer         Model SLP1000    (Mac & DOS/Windows)
Smart Label Printer Plus    Model SLP1000P   (Mac & DOS/Windows)
Smart Label Printer EZ30    Model SLP1100    (Mac & DOS/Windows)
Smart Label Printer Pro     Model SLP2000    (Mac & DOS/Windows)
Smart Label Printer 120     Model SLP-120    (Windows)
Smart Label Printer 220     Model SLP-220    (DOS/Windows)

The Smart Label Printer products DO NOT  utilize a date field in any form, and are independent of  any calendar year calculations.  These products are therefore not effected by the year 2000 event.

Smart Business Card Reader,  Product number SBCR10-WIN
- The Smart Business Reader Card software makes a date entry for the date the card scan was made into the card file database.  This static entry is in the format MM/DD/YY, and is not effected by the year 2000.  Additionally, in versions 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 of the Smart Business Card Reader software a user defined field may have a date entered, and if sorted by the user defined field, the date will not sort correctly.  This internal sort error is the result of the alpha numeric field format, and will not effect any other applications.  Therefore this product is in full compliance with the year 2000 format.

Smart DiskLabeler, Product number SLP-DSKLBLR
- The Smart DiskLabeler software makes an entry for the date a disk was read and entered the directory file database.  This entry is in the format MM/DD/YYYY, and is a reference display date only which can not be calculated, sorted or modified.  This product is therefore not effected by the year 2000 event.

Smart Lobby, Product number SLP-LOBBY
- The Smart Lobby software will enter date information in the formats MM/DD/YY and MM/DD/YYYY these dates are correctly displayed in all sorts and report layouts. This product is in full compliance with the year 2000 format.