Frequently Asked


We have tried to summarise, some of the best FAQ's and will endeavour to keep these pages updated on a regular basis. If you would like to submit a query (which may well feature on these pages)

United Kingdom:

General Questions Asked Video Printers
Software SetUp Dot Matrix Printers
Hardware SetUp Laser & Ink Jet
Smart Products Colour Printers & Postscript
CDP Printers

It has recently been observed that the use of Bi-Directional (ECP/EPP) Parallel ports can cause problems with printers, particularly under Windows 95. This would appear to be related to the Internal cabling of the Computer and it is difficult to be more specific, some computers work, others seeminhly identical dont. AVD therefore recommends that at least for testing purposes the supposed ECP/EPP capability of you computer is turned off. This will probably involve you going into the BIOS set up, so dig out that old manual.
If you are using Windows 95 (WHY?) then the Parallel Port mode can be seen under the Hardware Manager settings.
General Questions asked (no specific Printer)
On our help desk we get a multitude of questions and problems thrown at us. In general these are down to users not reading the manual and/or incorrect settings on their Printer or Computer. We have tried on our Emulation page to give advice on the best Print Driver to use, when a SEIKO Precision driver is unavailable. Hot Spots on the Emulation page will give some basic advice on Dip Switch settings and Self Test printing.
Before calling or contacting us, please try the following
Hardware Set Up
FOR DOS, OS/2 or Windows users
  1. Turn Printer on, DO NOT Connect to your Computer
  2. Print the Self Test. The test print tests everything on the printer except the Computer Interface. If the Self Test works, this would normally mean the printer is fine and you should look at Computer, cabling, and or software problems.
  3. Assuming the Self Test works, then connect the printer to your Computer and if necessary turn the Computer on, and the Printer OnLine.
  4. If possible Set the Printer to use the Parallel port, using the Dip Switches or SetUp panel.
  5. Go to a DOS prompt. This should show a black page with a prompt on the side showing C:\> or something similar.
  6. Create a small text file by typing the following at the DOS prompt, DIR>TESTING.TXT
  7. After pressing Enter the file TESTING.TXT will be created. (This file can be edited using a standard DOS editor, EDLIN, E, EDIT etc). Assuming your Printer is attached to the only Parallel Interface on your Computer, this file can also be printed by using the following Syntax. TYPE TESTING.TXT>LPT1
  8. If your printer is connected to a COM (Serial port) then substitute COMx (where x is the COM port Number) for LPT1.
  9. If the above worked and legible text and numbers were printed, you have now shown that the Computer Interface, Computer to Printer cable, Printer Interface and Printer are working fine and can talk to each other. The only thing left is the software setup.
  10. If however the self test worked but the simple ASCII test print above did not work then you have a problem on any one or more of - The Computer Interface or setup, the cable from Computer to Printer, or the Printer Interface, (or if using a Serial port a conflict of protocols & hand-shaking.
  11. Does another printer attached to the same cabling work? If not check the cabling, computer interface and software configuration. If you are using the serial port then be advised that Null Modem cables are generally wired differently to Printer cables and are unlikely to work, and should be replaced by an RS-232C printer cable.
  12. If the other printer prints - is the SEIKOSHA printer set up in the same or similar maner, pay particular attention to the SetUp panel or Dip Switch settings.  
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    Software Set Up
    1. In order to verify the software set up you will need to know some information about how you have changed the Dip Switches or set up settings. On more recent printers this information can be printed out. For instructions on Dip Switch setting print-outs check the hot spots on the Emulation page.
    2. Make sure that you know whether your printer is set to Epson , IBM or any other type of printer. Ensure the Computer software is set for the same type of printer. For full model Emulations check the Emulation page (or even better the manual). Try printing a very simple page (5 or 6 letters will suffice). All you are testing is that the set up can talk to each other.
    3. If the Printer prints garbage, check that the Print Driver is properly installed and configured and that this matches the Printer Emulation checked above.
    4. Now try printing a complete document of more than two pages - preferably a completely new one without complex formatting
    5. If the Printer prints data correctly but the page formatting is wrong, check what paper size and type has been set in the Print Driver and application. Are these margins including headers and footers within the range supported by the printer?  
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